I am new to bundle and optimization and trying to understand. I am creating bundle in site containing Webform and .Net Framework 4.0. I have created 'BundleConfig.cs' in which i am creating bundles. it has following code:
public static void RegisterBundles(BundleCollection bundles)
/// JavaScript Bundles.
// removed other standard bundles for readability.
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/Bundles/jqGird")
I have also created 'Global.asax', which contains:
<script runat="server">
void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Code that runs on application startup
// Registering Bundles
// Enabling Bundle Optimization.
BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = true;
Now in Master page i am registering the bundle in 'ScritpManager'
<asp:ScriptManager runat="server" ID="scriptMgr" EnablePageMethods="true">
<%--Framework scripts--%>
<asp:ScriptReference Name="MsAjaxBundle" />
<asp:ScriptReference Name="jquery" />
<asp:ScriptReference Name="jquery.ui.combined" />
<asp:ScriptReference Name="jqGird" />
<asp:ScriptReference Name="WebForms.js" Assembly="System.Web" Path="~/Scripts/WebForms/WebForms.js" />
<asp:ScriptReference Name="WebUIValidation.js" Assembly="System.Web" Path="~/Scripts/WebForms/WebUIValidation.js" />
<asp:ScriptReference Name="MenuStandards.js" Assembly="System.Web" Path="~/Scripts/WebForms/MenuStandards.js" />
<asp:ScriptReference Name="GridView.js" Assembly="System.Web" Path="~/Scripts/WebForms/GridView.js" />
<asp:ScriptReference Name="DetailsView.js" Assembly="System.Web" Path="~/Scripts/WebForms/DetailsView.js" />
<asp:ScriptReference Name="TreeView.js" Assembly="System.Web" Path="~/Scripts/WebForms/TreeView.js" />
<asp:ScriptReference Name="WebParts.js" Assembly="System.Web" Path="~/Scripts/WebForms/WebParts.js" />
<asp:ScriptReference Name="Focus.js" Assembly="System.Web" Path="~/Scripts/WebForms/Focus.js" />
<asp:ScriptReference Name="WebFormsBundle" />
<%--Site scripts--%>
It is giving me following error.
System.InvalidOperationException: 'jqGird' is not a valid script name. The name must end in '.js'.
So what is it that I am doing wrong? as other Bundles are working fine.
You'll need to register all of your scripts
together as jqGird
using ScriptManager Class
ScriptManager.ScriptResourceMapping.AddDefinition("jqGird", new ScriptResourceDefinition
Path = "~/Bundles/jqGird",
You can also refer to ASP.NET 4.5 ScriptManager Improvements in WebForms