i have a working customization, but what i cannot figure out is, how to set the bookmarks in my pdf document to 'collapsed' by default. i tried to paste
<property name="args.bookmark.style" value="COLLAPSED" />
into my build file, as well as into build.xml, build_template.xml and build.properties in the plugin and customization folder.
Nothing seems to have an effect on this.
Am i missing a step? (I have been wondering if there was something in my customization which would automatically leave the bookmarks expanded, but I do not know where to look for this... I am pretty sure this is not the problem)
Thanks in advance!
I finally found out what was the problem. There was no need to change any ANT properties.
All it needs is to add the following attribute:
<xsl:attribute name="starting-state">hide</xsl:attribute>
in the template:
<xsl:template match="*[contains(@class, ' topic/topic ')]" mode="bookmark">