I'm busy with a Custom Post Type and I've got a question.
Would it be possible to put this in a CPT ->
image (atm i'm using thumbnail)
3 content tabs (got 3 links on the page, each link has to represent his content, content+title)
A timeline system (atm not really sure how i gonna make the timeline)
I want this to fit in a single Custom Post Type, If i can get like 3 editors it would be great and then transform "the_content();" into the_content1,2,3.
This is the layout ->
And here is the website so you can see what I already got http://erwin.my89.nl/stage/sieh/#
Current CPT ->
Thanks in advance!
Solved it trough this link: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2011/10/14/advanced-layout-templates-in-wordpress-content-editor/ :)