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Pattern unlock using calabash-android

Part of the Android app I am working on automated testing for has its own pattern unlock component, and I need a way to draw a 'Z' pattern in calabash-android. The pattern is made up of three drag/swipe actions, but they need to be a continuous touch. Currently I can do all three parts of the 'Z' as separate perform_action('drag') commands:

perform_action('drag', 17,83,26,26,50)
perform_action('drag', 83,17,26,66,50)
perform_action('drag', 17,83,66,66,50)

but I need to be able to do all of that in one go for the test to pass, and I don't know what to do for that. I imagine it has something to do with calabash-androids support for multi-touch gestures, but I am at a loss.


  • It's not a pretty solution but you could use a recorded event with adb. Have a look at this post and see if it helps - Fire a pinch in/out command to Android phone using adb