i'm having a large jpg, which has a resolution of x * 256 / x * 256. I want to cut this image into 256x256 tiles with a naming convention {zoom}-{x}-{y}.jpg. In the past i've used ZoomifyExpress Converter which does the cutting and zooming. I also want 6 different zoom levels. I've started so far with this command:
convert example.jpg -crop 256x256 +gravity -set filename:tile ./tiles/%[fx:page.x/256]-%[fx:page.y/256] %[filename:tile].jpg
This produces a lot of x-y.jpg tiles.I don't know how i can add different zoomlevels. I'm relativly new to ImageMagick and this feels like a basic thing to do. Hopefully somebody can help me out. Thanks in advance.
I found the solution:
I just resize the image to the appropriate size and then crop it. The first number in the filename is the zoom level.
convert example.jpg -resize 256x256 -crop 256x256 -set filename:tile ./tiles/0-%[fx:page.x/256]-%[fx:page.y/256] %[filename:tile].jpg
convert example.jpg -resize 512x512 -crop 256x256 -set filename:tile ./tiles/1-%[fx:page.x/(256)]-%[fx:page.y/(256)] %[filename:tile].jpg
.. and so on until i reach the highest resolution.