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Why is := allowed as an infix operator?

I have come across the popular data.table package and one thing in particular intrigued me. It has an in-place assignment operator


This is not defined in base R. In fact if you didn't load the data.table package, it would have raised an error if you had tried to used it (e.g., a := 2) with the message:

Error: could not find function ":="

Also, why does := work? Why does R let you define := as infix operator while every other infix function has to be surrounded by %%, e.g.

`:=` <- function(a, b) {

"abc" := "def"

Clearly it's not meant to be an alternative syntax to for defining infix functions. Is data.table exploiting some parsing quirks of R? Is it a hack? Will it be "patched" in the future?


  • It is something that the base R parser recognizes and seems to parse as a left assign (at least in terms or order of operations and such). See the C source code for more details.

    # [[1]]
    # `:=`
    # [[2]]
    # a
    # [[3]]
    # [1] 3

    As far as I can tell it's undocumented (as far as base R is concerned). But it is a function/operator you can change the behavior of

    `:=`<-function(a,b) {a+b}
    3 := 7
    # [1] 10

    As you can see there really isn't anything special about the ":" part itself. It just happens to be the start of a compound token.