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How do I legally become PCI compliant and use Stripe?

I'm new to PCI and would like to use Stripe as my payment gateway. They don't charge monthly fees, and have a good php system to send funds from site to Stripe. Right now I know I can allow customers to put in their card information, use Stripe's framework, and allow the card information disappear. That's fine but my question is:

If I want to store card information in a database for using in Stripe's PHP framework, how do I learn to do it legally?


  • If you use their Stripe Javascript client to send credit card information to them, what you'll be storing in your database will be a token which represents the client and their credit card, not an actual credit card. If you then ensure that the page where you collect the credit card info is served over HTTPS, you should be PCI compliant.

    Using Stripe.js

    Being PCI compliant using Stripe