I am using the following code snippet to retrieve choice items for a specific choice list
Map<Serializable, Serializable> items = new HashMap<Serializable, Serializable>();
Iterator<Choice> choiceIterator = choiceList.get_ChoiceValues().iterator();
Choice choice = choiceIterator.next();
if(choice.get_ChoiceType() == ChoiceType.INTEGER){
itemKey = choice.get_ChoiceIntegerValue();
itemKey = choice.get_ChoiceStringValue();
items.put(itemKey, ((LocalizedStringImpl)choice.get_DisplayNames().get(0)).get_LocalizedText());
but get_LocalizedText()
method just get the value with locale en_us
. So what if i want to get other locales i.e ar_eg
Thanks in advance.
You need to call get_LocaleName() method on the LocalizedString object and find out if this is the right locale you are looking for. Here is sample code:
LocalizedStringList lsList = choice.get_DisplayNames();
Iterator<LocalizedString> dit= lsList.iterator();
boolean lnFound = false;
LocalizedString ls = dit.next();
String ln = ls.get_LocaleName();
String lt = ls.get_LocalizedText();
lnFound = true;