I'm trying to make my life easier by adding a PATH so that instead of having to type in ~/.composer/vendor/bin/laravel
everytime into my terminal to access the Laravel
installer menu I can just type in laravel
to bring up the same Laravel installer commands. I already have a .profile file that is set up to point to MAMP Pro's PHP module so I'm unsure if I have to update it with an additional line or if I should be creating a new .profile page in a different directory to allow feel or this to happen.
File is located here: ~/ as .profile
export PATH=/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.5.3/bin:$PATH
Edit: I currently have composer residing in my ~/usr/bin/composer directory because when I put it inside of the ~/usr/local/bin/composer directory I cannot type composer commands it says they don't exist. I am running on a OS X Mavericks installation on my Mac. With composer in the directory it currently is in I am able to run composer commands. I have a .profile file that has the above path inside it pointing to Mamp's PHP installation. I'm wanting to be able to just type in "laravel" into my terminal to get the Laravel installation tool but instead of having to type in
~/.composer/vendor/bin/laravel everytime so I saw on a video that you have to add a path but everytime I do it overwrites that one I already have.
Is there any additional ideas that pertain to the exporting situation.
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
Remove your current composer.phar or composer file and run the two commands above.
If you're still getting command not found, something is wrong with your operating system.