I'm using the paper trail gem to track version changes on order web application. I'm having trouble displaying the has_many versions
Order model:
class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :line_items, dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :order, order: "position", autosave: true
line item model:
class LineItem < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :order, inverse_of: :line_items
Order Controller:
@order = Order.find(params[:id])
@versions = PaperTrail::Version.where(item_id: params[:id]).order('created_at ASC')
@line_items = LineItem.find_all_by_order_id(params[:id])
@line_item_versions = @line_items.versions
history html:
<% @line_item_versions.each_with_index do |version, index| %>
<b>Version: </b><%= index + 1 %><br/>
Event ID: <%= version.id %><br/>
<b>Target:</b> <%= version.item_type %>
<small>(id: <%= version.item_id %>)</small>; <b>action</b> <%= version.event %>;<br/>
<% end %>
The problem is the .versions
works when a single object (from .find
) is found. However, when an array of objects (from the .find_all_by
) is passed to the .versions
it returns this error
undefined method `versions' for #<Array:0x007f859d37eb30>
You are defining:
@line_items = LineItem.find_all_by_order_id(params[:id])
Which means @line_items
is an Array of several LineItem records. Then, you call:
@line_item_versions = @line_items.versions
But the .versions
method is an instance method of LineItem (one line_item has_many versions
). This causes the error undefined method 'versions' for Array
is an array here).
To solve this problem, I think you should do the following (but there is many options, depending on what you want to do):
<% @line_items.each do |line_item| %>
<%= line_item.name %>
<% line_item.versions.each_with_index do |version, index| %>
<b>Version: </b><%= index + 1 %><br/>
Event ID: <%= version.id %><br/>
<b>Target:</b> <%= version.item_type %>
<small>(id: <%= version.item_id %>)</small>; <b>action</b> <%= version.event %>;<br/>
<% end %>
<% end %>