I would like to be able to iterate through an array of monitors for a computer (pulled through WMI) and then assign each one its own value, so that I can output the results to a csv, with each monitor, mfg, date,sn on its own column.
For example:
Monitor 1 MFG Monitor 1 SN Monitor 2 MFG Monitor 2 SN
Dell 12345 HP 05156
I know how to output to a csv already, just am having problems assiging each to its own variable to use.
$Monitors = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\wmi -Class wmiMonitorID -ComputerName "PC"
$Monitors | % {$i=0} {"$_";$i++}
This gets me each instance name of each monitor on the machine, but how would I go about grabbing the Serial etc for each ?
I tried using $_.SerialNumberID to pull it out, but am unable to figure it out
Well...here is how you would do it. It looks like the data for some of the things in wmi needs to be converted to be readable.
$Monitors = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\wmi -Class wmiMonitorID
$obj = Foreach ($Monitor in $Monitors)
[pscustomobject] @{
'MonitorMFG' = [char[]]$Monitor.ManufacturerName -join ''
'MonitorSerial' = [char[]]$monitor.SerialNumberID -join ''
'MonitorMFGDate' = $Monitor.YearOfManufacture
$obj | export-csv
Edit...alternative that more closely matches the formatting you are wanting...I think the above is better though personally.
$Monitors = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\wmi -Class wmiMonitorID
$i = 1
$obj = new-object -type psobject
Foreach ($Monitor in $Monitors)
$obj | add-member -Name ("Monitor$i" +"MFG") -Value ([char[]]$Monitor.ManufacturerName -join '') -MemberType NoteProperty -Force
$obj | add-member -Name ("Monitor$i" + "Serial") -Value ([char[]]$monitor.SerialNumberID -join '') -MemberType NoteProperty -Force
$obj | add-member -Name ("Monitor$i" + "MFGDate") -Value ($Monitor.YearOfManufacture) -MemberType NoteProperty -Force
$obj | export-csv