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How to read child category in XML

I want to read the DivaURI key's value but I couldn't do that. I tried lots of things. I want to reach to userProperties child category. And Finally want to read DivaURI key's value.

Here is the one category XElement:

   <DBID value="6422" />
   <switchDBID value="110" />
   <tenantDBID value="101" />
   <type value="4" />
   <number value="3401" />
   <loginFlag value="1" />
   <registerAll value="2" />
   <groupDBID value="0" />
   <trunks value="0" />
   <routeType value="1" />
   <state value="1" />
      <list_pair key="__ROUTER__">
         <str_pair key="BackupVDN" value="3921" />
         <str_pair key="DivaIVRProfile" value="TS_IVR_Profile" />
         <str_pair key="DivaURI" value="I WANT TO READ THIS VALUE!" />
      <list_pair key="default">
         <str_pair key="monitor_calls" value="true" />
      <list_pair key="TServer">
         <str_pair key="default-dn" value="43921" />
         <str_pair key="router-timeout" value="5" />
      <list_pair key="URS_PROD_01">
         <str_pair key="Loaded" value="07/25/2012 01:57 PM" />
         <str_pair key="Loaded by" value="default" />
         <str_pair key="strategy" value="GVP Diva Main Strategy TEST" />
         <str_pair key="strategy0x65" value="GVP Diva Main Strategy TEST" />
      <list_pair key="URS_PROD_01_81">
         <str_pair key="Loaded" value="09/15/2012 06:03 AM" />
         <str_pair key="Loaded by" value="default" />
         <str_pair key="strategy" value="GVP Diva Main Strategy PROD" />
         <str_pair key="strategy0x65" value="GVP Diva Main Strategy PROD" />
      <list_pair key="URS_PROD_02">
         <str_pair key="Loaded" value="07/25/2012 01:57 PM" />
         <str_pair key="Loaded by" value="default" />
         <str_pair key="strategy" value="GVP Diva Main Strategy TEST" />
         <str_pair key="strategy0x65" value="GVP Diva Main Strategy TEST" />
      <list_pair key="URS_PROD_02_81">
         <str_pair key="Loaded" value="09/15/2012 06:03 AM" />
         <str_pair key="Loaded by" value="default" />
         <str_pair key="strategy" value="GVP Diva Main Strategy PROD" />
         <str_pair key="strategy0x65" value="GVP Diva Main Strategy PROD" />
   <name value="3401" />
   <useOverride value="2" />
   <switchSpecificType value="1" />
   <siteDBID value="0" />
   <contractDBID value="0" />

There are also XElements that doesn't have any userProperties category:

   <DBID value="6409" />
   <switchDBID value="101" />
   <tenantDBID value="101" />
   <type value="19" />
   <number value="3351" />
   <loginFlag value="1" />
   <registerAll value="2" />
   <groupDBID value="0" />
   <trunks value="0" />
   <routeType value="1" />
   <state value="1" />
   <name value="3351_Avaya" />
   <useOverride value="2" />
   <switchSpecificType value="1" />
         <switchDBID value="110" />
         <number value="41451" />
         <switchDBID value="113" />
         <number value="41451" />
   <siteDBID value="0" />
   <contractDBID value="0" />

I tried to reach them like this:

IEnumerable<XElement> enumElem = from p in xdoc.Descendants("DivaURI") where p.Parent.Name.Equals("userProperties") select p;
            foreach (XElement child in enumElem)
                //XElement elem = enumElem.Current;
                if (child.Name.LocalName == "DivaURI")

Any suggestions?


  • Notice that "DivaURI" is value of a key attribute, not an element name.

    Assuming there is only one element having key equals "DivaURI", this is one possible way :

    XElement str_pair = 
                    .FirstOrDefault(o => (string)o.Attribute("key") == "DivaURI");
    if(str_pair != null) 

    UPDATE :

    Updated code to handle default namespace and multiple <str_pair> elements as stated in comment :

    XNamespace d = "blabla/Configuration/ConfServer/2005/";
    IEnumerable<string> result = from p in xdoc.Descendants(d+"str_pair") 
                                 where (string)p.Attribute("key") == "DivaURI" 
                                 select (string)p.Attribute("value");