I want to link two select boxes , with change in one will change other.
Following is my code
"Maths": [
"code": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"sex": "M"
"English": [
"code": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"sex": "M"
"code": "John1",
"lastName": "Doe1",
"sex": "M1"
"code": "John"
In the given code first dropdown should show only -English,Maths while other will show -lastName based on item chosen, so if English is chosen in select box-1 then select box-2 option key= John1,value-Doe1.
<select id="select_language" ng-model="myColor" ng-options="id for (id, person) in test"> </select>
<select id="select_dialect" ></select>
In addition to this i would like to have In the second dropdown we are populating the values in select box label. I also need to add option values which is related to code. So this would result in something like this
<select id="select_dialect" ng-model="myColor1" ng-options="item.sex for item in myColor" class="ng-valid ng-dirty">
<option value="?" selected="selected"></option>
<option value="John">M</option>
<option value="John1">M1</option>
<option value="John2"></option>
Just bind the ng-options to the selected_language
<select id="select_language" ng-model="selectedLanguage" ng-options="id for (id, person) in data"></select>
<select id="select_dialect" ng-model="selectedLastName" ng-options="item.lastName for item in selectedLanguage"></select>
here is the working plunker
You can use track by
to specify the value of the options:
<select id="select_sex" ng-model="selectedSex" ng-options="item.sex for item in selectedLanguage track by item.code"></select>
I have updated the plunker too.
Update II
Here you have two options. You can set the selected value in the controller:
$scope.selectedLanguage = $scope.data["English"];
or you add the following to the select tag:
ng-init="selectedLanguage = data['English']"
I have updated my plunker