I am trying to save a high score integer to the user's Android system, so that it can persist throughout all game-play experience.
I have read that using Cocos2D-X one can use NSUserDefaults
but this doesn't seem to be available in the Cocos2D-JS API at all.
Anyone has any experience with this, is there any other efficient way how to tackle this issue?
When using Cocos2D-JS for compiling native apps, you can simply use localStorage
just like if you were running your game in the browser :D
For example:
//Handle for quick access to Cocos2D's implementation of Local Storage:
var ls = cc.sys.localStorage;
var value = "foo";
var key = "bar";
//This should save value "foo" on key "bar" on Local Storage
ls.setItem(key, value);
//This should read the content associated with key "bar" from Local Storage:
var data = ls.getItem(key);
cc.log(data); //Should output "foo" to the console.
//This should remove the contents of key "bar" from Local Storage:
//This should print "null"
data = ls.getItem(key);