Are there any Apptentive callback methods which inform us what is happening?
For example,
[[ATConnect sharedConnection] engage:@"completed_level" fromViewController:viewController];
tells Apptentive an event has occured, and now Apptentive might display an interaction.
After an event is logged, I would like to know whether:
Is there currently a way to do this?
The return value of engage:fromViewController:
indicates whether or not an interaction was shown for the event:
BOOL interactionShown = [[ATConnect sharedConnection] engage:@"event" fromViewController:vc];
if (interactionShown) {
// Interaction (Survey, Rating Prompt, etc) was shown.
} else {
// No interaction was shown.
You can also use the method willShowInteractionForEvent:
to know if an interaction will be shown the next time you engage an event:
BOOL availableSurvey = [[ATConnect sharedConnection] willShowInteractionForEvent:@"show_survey_event"];
if (availableSurvey) {
// Show "Show Survey" button.
} else {
// Hide "Show Survey" button.
Apptentive also posts some notifications that you can listen for and respond to via NSNotificationCenter
/** Notification sent when Message Center unread messages count changes. */
extern NSString *const ATMessageCenterUnreadCountChangedNotification;
/** Notification sent when the user has agreed to rate the application. */
extern NSString *const ATAppRatingFlowUserAgreedToRateAppNotification;
/** Notification sent when a survey is shown. */
extern NSString *const ATSurveyShownNotification;
/** Notification sent when a survey is submitted by the user. */
extern NSString *const ATSurveySentNotification;
Finally, we are working some new features in this area. I will update this answer when those are available.