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Using Dapper.TVP TableValueParameter with other parameters

I have a procedure that takes in a table-valued parameter, along with others:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Update_Records]
    @currentYear INT,
    @country INT,
    @records Record_Table_Type READONLY

and am trying to call this with Dapper.TVP.

Here is the code I have so far:

        var recordsParameter = new List<SqlDataRecord>();

        // This metadata matches 'Record_Table_Type' in the Database
        var recordsMetaData = new[]
            new SqlMetaData("OriginalValue", SqlDbType.Decimal, 19, 4),
            new SqlMetaData("NewValue", SqlDbType.Decimal, 19, 4),
            new SqlMetaData("NewPercent", SqlDbType.Decimal, 7, 2),

        foreach (var r in records)
            var record = new SqlDataRecord(recordsMetaData);
            record.SetDecimal(0, r.OriginalValue);
            record.SetDecimal(1, r.NewValue);
            record.SetDecimal(2, r.NewPercent);

        var spParams = new DynamicParameters(new
            currentYear = filter.currentYear,
            country =,

        var recordsParam = new TableValueParameter("@records", "Record_Table_Type", recordsParameter);

        using (var connection = ConnectionFactory.GetConnection())
            connection.Execute("Update_Records", ???, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure);

My issue is how do I pass both sets of parameters to the procedure in the call to Dapper Execute()?

I have tried:

var spParams = new DynamicParameters(new
    currentYear = filter.currentYear,
    country =,
    records = new TableValueParameter("@records", "Record_Table_Type", recordsParameter);

connection.Execute("Update_Records", spParams, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure);


connection.Execute("Update_Records", new Object[] { spParams, recordsParam }, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure);

Both call the procedure, but pass an empty table parameter ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM @records returns 0 )

I can't seem to find any actual documentation or source for Dapper.TVP, so the whole thing is very confusing, and the 2nd parameter to .Execute() is just a dynamic so that again doesn't tell me what I can and can't pass to it.

Any ideas?


  • I am on mobile and may be misunderstanding the question, but this should be just:

    DataTable records = ...
        new {
            currentYear = filter.currentYear,
            country =,
        commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure