I tried to integrate mupdf within my Android application, which is built from Windows. I followed the mupdf guide.
When i am executing the ant debug part it gives me this error:
C:\pdf3\mupdf-1.6-source\mupdfgit\mupdf\platform\android\build.xml:83: Cannot find C:\Users issLv1\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk\tools\ant\build.xml imported from C:\pdf3\mupdf-1.6-source\mupdfgit\mupdf\platform\android\build.xml
Why does it search for a build xml file inside the SDK folder?
The build.xml file in the Android SDK defines the various standard Ant tasks necessary to build Android applications with Ant.
Is this the correct location for your Android SDK? If not check the setting of the ANDROID_HOME environment variable.
Does that file actually exist? If not you maybe your SDK is corrupt and you need to reinstall it.