I am trying to make an exponential function based on atmospheric pressure and height using python. i somehow have to be able to make the equation y = ( 1000 * e**( (-9.81 x / ( 78351 ) )
into a graph.
where y
= 0 - 15 and x
= 1000 y
while i could have python calculate each individual one, the point of the exercise is to be able to use the equation above as means for the graph.
Is there a way that i can have:
y_series = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10...]
x_series = [1000 * e**( -9.81 ( y_series ) / 78351 ) ?
I've tried multiple ways but keep getting : x and y must have same first dimension error.
Yes, it is:
Syntax scheme:
e = 2.71 # SET e
y_series = range( 0, 16 ) # GEN y_series
x_series = [ 1000 * e**( -9.81 * y / 78351 ) for y in y_series ] # GEN x_series
>>> x_series
[1000.0, 999.8751840341362, 999.7503836472979, 999.6255988375402, 999.5008296029192,
999.3760759414907, 999.251337851311, 999.1266153304365, 999.0019083769238,
998.87721698883, 998.7525411642123, 998.6278809011279, 998.5032361976348,
998.3786070517907, 998.2539934616539, 998.1293954252827]