How can I get an object that have a collection of it using $resource service.
I created a service to call the API end-point. The service is returning the JSON data with this format. but Angular is never filling the $scope with data. I added here the service the controller and how I am using it. I have a very similar service that is working but the API is returning the collection where for this API was is being returned is an object with a collection.
"Url": "http://localhost:52882/api/metrics",
"MetricsCount": 10,
"Metrics": [{
"Url": "http://localhost:52882/api/metrics/1",
"Id": 1,
"Name": "3DRange",
"Description": "3-D range from shooter to target at time of launch",
"Unit": "Feet"
(function () {
var metricRepository = function ($resource) {
var getMetricsFunc = function () {
var apiUri = "http://localhost:52882/api/metrics";
return $resource(apiUri).get();
return {
getMetrics: getMetricsFunc
var module = angular.module("dataCollectModule");
module.factory('metricRepository', metricRepository);
'use strict';
(function () {
var DataCollectionSetupController = function ($scope, metricRepository, participantRepository) {
$scope.groupId = 1;
$scope.metrics = metricRepository.getMetrics();
$scope.metricscount= metricRepository.getMetrics().MetricsCount;
var app = angular.module("dataCollectModule");
app.controller("DataCollectionSetupController", DataCollectionSetupController);
HTML Use fragment
<select id="metricSelector" style="width: 100%;">
<option ng-repeat="metric in metrics" value="{{metric.Id}}">{{metric.Name}}</option>
Please see working demo here
make sure : 1. Yo've got reference to angular-resource.js
<script src="//"></script>
2.Inject ngResource into your dataCollectModule
var app = angular.module('dataCollectModule', ['ngResource']);
3.In your HTML change ng-repeat="metric in metrics"
to ng-repeat="metric in metrics.Metrics"
<option ng-repeat="metric in metrics.Metrics" value="{{metric.Id}}">{{metric.Name}}</option>