I have a scenario where in i have to send a message to the msmq below in the format of message header + payload. Below is the example.
Person Message
<? Xml version="1.0"?>
How to send above message to msmq, i have tried all possible solution but still no success. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance
Below is the code
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append("Person Message");
sb.Append("<?XML Version=\"1.0\">");
MessageQueue msMq = new MessageQueue(MQPath);
Output in MSMQ is
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<string>Person Message<?XML Version="1.0"><Person><Employee><Name>Manthan</Name></Employee></Person></string>
Above message is not same as expected output how to get the expected output
MSMQ put messages in SOAP you will have to deserialize the results ....
MessageQueue msMq = new MessageQueue(MQPath);
Message[] msgs = msMq.GetAllMessages();
foreach (var msg in msgs)
System.IO.StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(msg.BodyStream);
MSGtext = reader.ReadToEnd();
string MSGValue = (string)XmlDeserializeFromString(MSGtext);
public object XmlDeserializeFromString(string objectData)
var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(string));
object result;
using (TextReader reader = new StringReader(objectData))
result = serializer.Deserialize(reader);
return result;