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Setting Attributes in Webby Layouts

I'm working with Webby and am looking for some clarification. Can I define attributes like title or author in my layout?


  • Not really. The layout has access to the page attributes rather than the other way.

    The easiest way to do what you want is to populate the SITE.page_defaults hash in your site's Rakefile (probably build.rake). Add something like the following:

    SITE.page_defaults['title']             = "My awesome title"
    SITE.page_defaults['author']            = "Shazbug"
    SITE.page_defaults['is_mando_awesome']  = "very yes"

    You can now access those hash members in your template:

    Written by <%= %>

    You can find more info about Webby's page default stuff on the Google Group, specifically here: