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Comparing JNI object references

I call a Java method from c++ via JNI. The Java method returns an enum STATUS. I already have the jobjects representing the enums in my c++ code like here:

jclass clSTATUS    = env->FindClass("MyClass$STATUS");
jfieldID fidONE    = env->GetStaticFieldID(clSTATUS , "ONE", "LMyClass$STATUS;");
jobject STATUS_ONE = env->GetStaticObjectField(clSTATUS, fidONE);

So, the call

jobject o = env->CallObjectMethod(jTestobject, test);

returns a jobject representing an enum STATUS, specially ONE. So, how do I know which enum it has returned? I tried to compare it to STATUS_ONE, but they do not match.


  • Found it by myself, after Samhain pointed out my possible mistake. You just have to compare the objects correctly:

    env->IsSameObject(o, STATUS_ONE);

    Thank you!