I just updated our gulp file to include the latest version of gulp-ruby-sass, so we could use the soucemaps feature included with the latest version of Sass.
I have confirmed that a source map is being outputted into the project's CSS folder, but chrome is not reading it.
"Enable CSS source maps" is checked in dev tools and I'm running the latest version of Chrome ( 37.0.2062.120) and I can see source maps in other projects.
Here is the generated sourcemap:
"version": 3,
"mappings": ";;AAQA,IAAK,GACH,....bunch more JSON gobbley gook],
"names": [],
"file": "style.css"
What am I missing here?
Yes, you are correct @Mark Weston - it was an issue with gulp-autoprefixer:
Turns out that gulp-autoprefixer was stripping out the /*# sourceMappingURL=style.css.map */
comment at the bottom of my css file.
This is an open issue with gulp-autoprefixer: https://github.com/sindresorhus/gulp-autoprefixer/issues/1