This is in a page called headersessioncookie.php
if ( ! isset ( $_SESSION['loggedin'] ) ) {
$_SESSION['loggedin'] = FALSE;
$expiry = time()+60*60*9000;
setcookie('cookie[loggedin]', '', $expiry, "", "", "", TRUE);
if ( ! isset ( $_COOKIE['cookie[loggedin]'] ) ) {
$_COOKIE['cookie[loggedin]'] = FALSE;
This is in a page called test.php
require_once('headersessioncookie.php'); //start session and cookie
$_SESSION['loggedin'] = TRUE;
$_COOKIE['cookie[loggedin]'] = TRUE;
When I run test.php and then run this page below called test1.php ...
require_once('headersessioncookie.php'); //start session and cookie
echo "sessionvalue" . $_SESSION['loggedin'] . '<br>';
echo "cookievalue" . $_COOKIE['cookie[loggedin]'] . '<br>';
... I get
Why don't I get...
Answering my own question. Turns out there were 3 major problems with my code.
1) I was trying to set the cookie value by doing this:
$_COOKIE['cookie[loggedin]'] = FALSE;
Turns out one needs to use setcookie()
to set the cookie value. Assigning a new value to $_COOKIE
will change the value of that variable (within the scope of the same page), but it won't change the value inside the cookie (outside the scope of that page, calling $_COOKIE
will yield the value stored in the cookie).
2) The following is incorrect
echo "cookievalue" . $_COOKIE['cookie[loggedin]'] . '<br>';
Instead it should be
echo "cookievalue" . $_COOKIE['cookie']['loggedin'] . '<br>';
3) Cookie necessarily has to be passed a string value. I was trying to pass a value = FALSE
which is not a string. Instead, I could have correctly passed a value = 'FALSE'