I have been using the IDP plugin for quite some time now, but after installing the latest v1.4.0 I get the following compiler error.
Compiling [Code] section
Compiler Error!
File: C:\Program Files (x86)\Inno Download Plugin\idp.iss Line 54: Column 55: Unknown type 'Int64'
I am currently using Inno Setup 5.5.2 (u). Can you please assist? Thanks.
The Int64
data type was introduced in Unicode version 5.5.3 so you must download a more recent version of Unicode Inno Setup. What's new list
mentions it like (emphasized by me):
5.5.3 (2013-01-30)
Unicode Inno Setup: Now has an Int64 type, supported by IntToStr. Also added new StrToInt64, StrToInt64Def, and GetSpaceOnDisk64 support functions.