OS: Windows 7 IDE: Borland Builder 6
I tried to add the mysql connector, and appeared such errors. How to fix it?
[C++ Error] substitute_fwd.hpp(49): E2401 Invalid template argument list
[C++ Error] substitute_fwd.hpp(49): E2041 Incorrect use of default
[C++ Error] substitute_fwd.hpp(49): E2040 Declaration terminated incorrectly
[C++ Error] meta_utils.hpp(54): E2401 Invalid template argument list
[C++ Error] meta_utils.hpp(54): E2303 Type name expected
[C++ Error] utility.hpp(38): E2437 'typename' should be followed by a qualified, dependent type name
[C++ Error] utility.hpp(46): E2437 'typename' should be followed by a qualified, dependent type name
[C++ Error] utility.hpp(54): E2437 'typename' should be followed by a qualified, dependent type name
[C++ Error] utility.hpp(68): E2437 'typename' should be followed by a qualified, dependent type name
[C++ Error] utility.hpp(69): E2034 Cannot convert 'move_detail::is_rv<T>::value' to 'bool'
[C++ Error] utility.hpp(70): E2437 'typename' should be followed by a qualified, dependent type name
[C++ Error] utility.hpp(76): E2437 'typename' should be followed by a qualified, dependent type name
[C++ Error] utility.hpp(77): E2034 Cannot convert 'move_detail::is_rv<T>::value' to 'bool'
[C++ Error] utility.hpp(78): E2437 'typename' should be followed by a qualified, dependent type name
[C++ Error] iterator.hpp(43): E2437 'typename' should be followed by a qualified, dependent type name
[C++ Error] algorithm.hpp(177): E2437 'typename' should be followed by a qualified, dependent type name
[C++ Error] algorithm.hpp(216): E2437 'typename' should be followed by a qualified, dependent type name
[C++ Error] algorithm.hpp(240): E2437 'typename' should be followed by a qualified, dependent type name
[C++ Error] algorithm.hpp(263): E2437 'typename' should be followed by a qualified, dependent type name
[C++ Error] static_assert.hpp(62): E2221 Macro argument syntax error
[C++ Error] static_assert.hpp(182): E2221 Macro argument syntax error
[C++ Error] aligned_storage.hpp(51): E2272 Identifier expected
[C++ Error] aligned_storage.hpp(56): E2321 Declaration does not specify a tag or an identifier
[C++ Error] cstdint.hpp(380): E2272 Identifier expected
[C++ Error] cstdint.hpp(381): E2272 Identifier expected
[C++ Error] cstdint.hpp(381): E2228 Too many error or warning messages
in most cases to make MSVC++ like libs to work in Borland/Embarcadero environment:
statementsanyway for MySQL you can use their own hinterface like libmysql.dll instead of boost
+ header files (downloadable from MySQL pages and also included in some installations)link it to your project + add include and that it is all
usage is almost the same as in PHP