I am using Xamarin forms to create a TabbedPage. The problem is that I want to swipe between tabs and this is disable by default. I found one class called ExtendedTabbedPage which has one attribute called SwipeEnable and some methods that invoke the swipe event. This is my class that extends from ExtendedTabbedPage and creates two tabs with some content. I set the value of swipeEnabled attribute but it does not do anything. Is there anyway to invoke the swipe event from this class?
public class TabbedPageComplete: ExtendedTabbedPage
public TabbedPageComplete ()
this.Title = "TabbedPage";
this.SwipeEnabled = true;
this.Children.Add (new ContentPage
Title = "Blue",
Content = new BoxView
Color = Color.Blue,
HeightRequest = 100f,
VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center
this.Children.Add (new ContentPage {
Title = "Blue and Red",
Content = new StackLayout {
Children = {
new BoxView { Color = Color.Blue },
new BoxView { Color = Color.Red}
Did you tested with iOS also or just with Android ? The ExtendedTabbedPage is currently only implemented for iOS ExtendedTabbedPageRenderer.cs while for Android is still under development.