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What is the appropriate way to check that I am on a particular screen in Calabash testing?

I'm looking to assert that I am on a particular screen during my tests, and if I'm not, then I should fail. What is the recommended way of doing this? For example, if I have a test like this:

Given that I am on the Login screen
When I press "Sign Up"
Then I should be on the Sign up screen

I've written Page Object Models for both screens involved, and they each have a trait method defined.

I've looked, and there is the TaskyPro sample (, which defines an "assert_screen" method. I've tried putting it into my project, but it doesn't work, as @screen is always nil. I don't have Xamarin, so I can't build their project and test it out.


  • You need to assign @screen first.

    If your screen objects inherent from Calabash::IBase (iOS) or Calabash::ABase (Android), you could use the built in await method. You just have to set a trait or title for the screen.

    A good example is the "Calabash Cross Platform Example": In there you can see examples of how to assign screen/page objects, how to make screen/page objects and how to check if a screen is visible.

    We use screen objects all over our tests, and they help a lot when you need to use the same tests on multiple platforms.

    I would recommend that you also use the transition method on the screen/page objects to navigate between screens.