i have a list of event Ids that i want to be excluded from my select statement, but no sure how to implement this:
this is what stores my list of event Ids
List<int> ExcludedEvents;
and this is my select statement (from an XML feed)
var allEvents = from eventsList in xmlDoc.Elements("shows").Elements("Show")
select new EventFeed()
EventName = eventsList.Attribute("Name").Value,
EventSummary = eventsList.Attribute("ShortDesc").Value,
EventDetails = eventsList.Attribute("LongDesc").Value,
EventShowCode = eventsList.Attribute("Code").Value
i want to select all events except for the events that have their eventId matching the EventShowCode value
i have looked at the except operator, but not sure how to implement it
based on your code in the question, it should look something like this...
var filteredEvents = allEvents.Where(myEvent => !ExcludedEvents.Contains(myEvent.EventShowCode));
Or, if you just wanted to tack it on to the end of your select statement, just take that Where and drop it right at the end of your Select from your previous query...
var filteredEvents = xmlDoc.Elements("shows").Elements("Show")
.Select( new
EventName = eventsList.Attribute("Name").Value,
EventSummary = eventsList.Attribute("ShortDesc").Value,
EventDetails = eventsList.Attribute("LongDesc").Value,
EventShowCode = eventsList.Attribute("Code").Value
.Where(myEvent => !ExcludedEvents.Contains(myEvent.EventShowCode));