I have an android app that takes prices and quantities from EditTexts and calculates sum1 = quantity_1 * price_1 etc. total = sum1 + sum2 etc. Calculation is correct when i do something like 1.1 + 1.1 = 2.2 !CORRECT! When i add 1 + 1,000 (one thousand) then it gives me total = 2 !WRONG! it should be total = 1,001.
(i tried 1 + 1000.00 but still editText takes value of 1,000 and problem remains) . is decimal point and ,(comma) is grouping
my sqlite database
getting sum
public String getSum() {
String sumresult = null;
SQLiteDatabase database = this.getReadableDatabase();
String selectQuery = "SELECT SUM(price) FROM price_table WHERE etc etc;
Cursor cursor = database.rawQuery(selectQuery, null);
if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
do {
sumresult = cursor.getString(0);
} while (cursor.moveToNext());
return sumresult;
and how the calculation is made
//etc for sum2
total= sum1 + sum2;
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("####.##");
total = Float.valueOf(df.format(total));
NumberFormat formatter = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
Thanks in advance for your effort.
The Float.parseFloat method ignores everything after (and including) the comma. You have to remove the commas first:
quantity_1=Float.parseFloat(edittext_quantity_1.getText().toString().replace(",", ""));
price_1=Float.parseFloat(edittext_price_1.getText().toString().replace(",", ""));