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Configuring Xbee S2 with XC-TU

I'm trying to set up a very basic network using 2 Xbee modules. One as Coordinator and the other as Router.

The Problem

I am only able to send data from Arduino (Router) to XCTU (Coordinator). It's a mono directional communication. What's the correct configuration for these modules in order to establish a bidirectional communication?

I have followed these tutorials and none of them worked.

The Modem version is XB24-ZB. The coordinator has 20A7 firmware and the following serial number:

high:13A200 and low: 407B69E6

The Router with firmware 22A7:

high:13A200 and low: 40813BFC

Here is the Coordinator configuration: ZIGBEE COORDINATOR AT

  • PAN ID: 1111
  • DH: 13A200
  • DL: 40813BFC (Rooter serial number low)
  • Baud Rate: 57600

Here is the Router Configuration: ZIGBEE ROUTER AT

  • PAN ID: 1111
  • DH: 13A200
  • DL: 407B69E6 (Coordinator serial number low)
  • Baud Rate: 57600


  • If you swap the XBee modules, does the problem follow the module or the device (Arduino/XCTU)? You want to determine whether it's an issue with the XBee, or the Arduino. Another thing to try would be connecting both XBee modules to serial ports on a PC with XCTU. If data is bi-directional, then it's an issue with the code or wiring on the Arduino.