I'm trying to use Java VisualVM on Windows 7 64-bit together with Eclipse Kepler and am experiencing the following issue:
I have a Java application running inside Eclipse, but when I open jVisualVM, the only item showing up in the Applications under Local is VisualVM itself.
Is it possible to have my Java application show up as well? Do I need to launch it with some command line parameter to allow VisualVM to connect? Do I need to run it outside of Eclipse?
Due to a design peculiarity in the Windows JVM's you need to run JVisualVM in the same kind of JVM as the program you want to connect to (and as the same user)
This mean, use either 32-bit or 64-bit, not one of each.
A simple way to ensure this, is to add the JVM in the JDK installation directory containing the jvisualvm executable you want to use to the JVM's known to Eclipse (in Preferences), and then change the JVM used by your project to the one in the JDK you just added. Now your application should show up in the VisualVM window when launched.