Working on a large and complex application, I wonder where and whether we should be storing scenarios to document how the software works.
When we discuss problems with an existing feature, it's hard to see what we have already done and it would be hard to look back with a scrum tool such as TFS. We have some tests but these are not visible to the product owner.
Should we be looking to pull out some vast story / scenario list, amending / updating as we go or is this not agile.
We have no record of how the software works other than the code, some unit tests,some test cases and a few out of date user guides.
We tend to use our automated acceptance tests to document this. As we work on a user story we also develop automated tests and this is part of our Definition of Done.
We use SpecFlow for the tests and these are written as Given, When, Then scenarios that are easy to read and understand and can be shared with the product owners.
These tests add a lot of value as they are our automated regression suite so regression testing is quicker and easier, but as they are constantly kept up to date as we develop new stories they also act as documentation of how the system works.
You might find it useful to have a look at a few blogs around Specification by Example which is essentially what we are trying to do.
A few links I found useful in the past are: