Search code examples

MySQL Many Rows Examined by Simple Query

There is a table tb_tag_article like

CREATE TABLE `tb_tag_article` (
  `tag_id` int(16) NOT NULL,
  `article_id` int(16) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `key_tag_id_article_id` (`tag_id`,`article_id`) USING BTREE,

When I query like this, the result is 5120.

SELECT count(*) FROM tb_tag WHERE tag_id = 43

But when I explain the query like this

EXPLAIN SELECT count(*) FROM tb_tag WHERE tag_id = 43

examined rows is 13634.

| id   | select_type | table          | type | possible_keys         | key                   | key_len | ref   | rows  | Extra       |
|    1 | SIMPLE      | tb_tag_article | ref  | key_tag_id_article_id | key_tag_id_article_id | 4       | const | 13634 | Using index |

The query use Index but the numbers of examined rows greater than count of real data. What's the problem?


  • Q: What's the problem?

    A: It doesn't look like there's any problem.

    The value for the "rows" column in the EXPLAIN output is an estimate, not an exact number.


    For evaluating the "cost" of each possible access path, the optimizer only needs estimates in order to compare the efficiency of using a range scan operation on index vs. a full scan of all rows in the table. The optimizer doesn't need "exact" counts of the total number rows in the table, or the number of rows that will satisfy a predicate.

    For this simple query, there are only a couple of possible plans that MySQL will consider.

    And that estimate of 13684 isn't that far off from the exact count of rows. It's off by a factor of 2.5, but MySQL is coming up with the right execution plan: using the index, rather than checking every row in the table.

    There is no problem.