Context :
Dependencies are installed using pip install -r requirements.txt In this file we have 3 packages which comes from github repository.
-e git+
Here my gunicorn.d configuration :
'mode': 'django',
'environment': {
'PYTHONPATH': '/path/to/my/django/project/:/path/to/virtualenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/',
'working_dir': '/path/to/my/django/project/',
'user': 'user',
'group': 'group',
'args': (
# '--worker-class=egg:gunicorn#sync',
But the 3 github packages are not in /path/to/virtualenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ so modules are not found in path. I've noticed that there is a file : bidule.egg-link which contain a path to /path/to/virtualenv/src/bidule-master
For the moment the only workaround i found is to add manually path to theses packages in PYTHONPATH in gunicorn.d conf.
'PYTHONPATH': '/path/to/my/django/project/:/path/to/virtualenv/src/bidule-master/:/path/to/virtualenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/',
My question is there is a way to not have to put each github package manually in pythonpath ?
First of all, the django-specific mode of Gunicorn is deprecated, and doesn't work anymore with Django 1.7. See and
For your specific problem, instead of tweaking $PYTHONPATH
, try setting the 'python'
key to the python binary in your virtualenv. It should work out automatically where the modules are located.
Complete config for Django 1.7:
# Default mode is WSGI
'working_dir': '/path/to/my/django/project/',
'python': '/path/to/virtualenv/bin/python',
'user': 'user',
'group': 'group',
'args': (
# '--worker-class=egg:gunicorn#sync',