I have a class definition which requires the build-essential
class erlang($version = '17.3') {
package { "build-essential":
ensure => installed
Another class in a different module also requires the build-essential
class icu {
package { "build-essential":
ensure => installed
However, when I try to perform puppet apply, the error I receive is:
Error: Duplicate declaration: Package[build-essential] is already declared in file /vagrant/modules/erlang/manifests/init.pp:18; cannot redeclare at /vagrant/modules/libicu/manifests/init.pp:17 on node vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64.home
I was expecting classes to encapsulate the resources they use but this doesn't seem to be the case? How can I resolve this clash?
This is common question when dealing with multiple modules.
There's a number of ways of doing this, the best practise is to modularise and allow the installation of build essential as a parameter:
class icu ($manage_buildessential = false){
if ($manage_buildessential == true) {
package { "build-essential":
ensure => installed
Then, where you want to include your ICU class:
class {'icu':
manage_buildessential => 'false',
However, for a quick and dirty fix:
if ! defined(Package['build-essential']) {
package { 'build-essential': ensure => installed }
Or if you have puppetlabs-stdlib module: