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Virtual methods memory usage Java vs C++

WARNING: Please keep in mind that this question is plain wrong - it makes a wrong assumption because I have misinterpreted a poorly written tutorial (a book actually) on C++. For case you are curious, this is the original contents:

In C++ marking a method as virtual causes the objects to use more memory - for every additional virtual method the memory for a pointer (4 - 8 bytes) more. How does Java deals with this, where all methods by default are virtual?


  • Your basic assumption is incorrect. The size of the object does not increase with the number of virtual functions.

    If the class has ANY virtual functions then it has a single pointer to a vtable for that class. The size of the object won't change beyond that regardless how many virtual functions:

    struct s0 {};
    struct s1
        virtual void f1() {}
    struct s2
        virtual void f1() {}
        virtual void f2() {}
    struct s3
        virtual void f1() {}
        virtual void f2() {}
        virtual void f3() {}
    int main()
        std::cout << "s0: " << sizeof(s0) << '\n';
        std::cout << "s1: " << sizeof(s1) << '\n';
        std::cout << "s2: " << sizeof(s2) << '\n';
        std::cout << "s3: " << sizeof(s3) << '\n';


    s0: 1
    s1: 8
    s2: 8
    s3: 8