This question is similar to the unanswered rsyslog specific question on Server Fault. It is not clear to me if the best solution is via already existing software like rsyslog or logstash or if I have to build something myself. This is why I ask here.
I have several python processes (not handled by multiprocessing) that run in parallel. They build groups which need to write to the same logfile of that group. Logging from multiple processes to the same file has to go through some kind of serialization to avoid file corruption, so rsyslog or logstash come to mind.
What I did not manage to find out (neither for rsyslog nor for logstash) is how to filter for a field (or tag or whatever it might be called in that system) that contains a file name I can't know beforehand (contains version numbers I don't control) and write these messages to the correspondent file.
So, I know how it's done for static input filters with dynamic output. But I don't know how it's done for dynamic input and dynamic output.
In the Python applications:
Create a custom formatter which adds a field (e.g. syslogtag for rsyslog) containing the name of the target log file
Add a SyslogHandler or something similar to my logger.
In rsyslog or logstash config add a rule like
<config of some logging system>
[filterfor] <field> -> write messages containing <value of field> to logfile /path/to/logs/<value of field>.log
Is this possible out of the box or (in logstash) with a (yet to be written) plugin?
EDIT: Maybe an example will clarify what I am looking for.
Example log messages with the target in brackets as exapmle:
<group_a> Message that will end up only in "group_a.log"
<group_a> Another Message for "group_a.log"
<group_b> Some interesting message for "group_b.log"
<group_c> Message for "group_c.log"
These messages based on the matched name will then end up in the corresponding log file. For the above example, the logfiles with their contents would be:
<group_a> Message that will end up only in "group_a.log"
<group_a> Another Message for "group_a.log"
<group_b> Some interesting message for "group_b.log"
<group_c> Message for "group_c.log"
So it would work like a regex that saves the matched name in a group and uses it as the name of the file.
A working solution for rsyslog works as follows:
The significant parts in the rsyslog configuration are:
$template debugFile,"/var/log/%msg:R,ERE,1,DFLT:\[\[(.*)\]\]--end%.log"
Generate absolute path of the log file from the message via regex - the Regular Expression Checker/Generator provided by the rsyslog team can be helpful here.
$template rawFormat,"%msg%\n"
Output template containing only the original log message (mainly cosmetic).
local0.* ?debugFile;rawFormat
Use this template and format for all logs send to the local0 facility.