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Change the direction of Neocomplete popu

I have neocomplete but it behaves counterintuitive. I want to change how the <TAB> affects the selection.

Current situation:


Popup opens (This is an example, in reality there are much more and more complex items in that list):

| def        [nsnip] def ${0} end           |
| defd       [nsnip] def delegegator_ end   |
| defs       [nsnip] def end       |
| defined?   [B]                            |

Nothing is highlighted, but the top one seems active. However, hitting <TAB> now highlights the bottom item. Hitting <TAB> again, the one-but last and so on. Tab cycles the selection from bottom to top.

| def        [nsnip] def ${0} end           |
| defd       [nsnip] def delegegator_ end   |
|*defs       [nsnip] def end*******|
| defined?   [B]                            |

I would expect <TAB> to move from top to bottom.

Is this a setting I need to configure? Is this the default behaviour but did I misconfigure something? Any setting or keypword to hunt for in my vimrc?


  • It turns out there are several conflicts with supertab. Since I was evaluating neocomplete as a replacement for SuperTab, removing the latter fixes the issue.

    Neocomplete has no mappings for tab, by default, so the <Tab> does nothing. Adding configuration from the documentation makes <Tab> behave correctly:

    " <TAB>: completion.
    inoremap <expr><TAB>  pumvisible() ? "\<C-n>" : "\<TAB>"