Hi im having trouble on putting an IgnoreCase to these codes
Console.WriteLine("Select a seat that you want to ocupy");
string UserInput = Console.ReadLine();
//replacing array values with X
for (int row = Arr.GetLowerBound(0); row <= Arr.GetUpperBound(0); ++row)
for (int column = Arr.GetLowerBound(1); column <= Arr.GetUpperBound(1); ++column)
if (Arr[row, column].Contains(UserInput))
Arr[row, column] = " X ";
I'm replacing an 2d array value with "X" via UserInput Here's my array
string[,] Arr = new string[,]
{{"A1" , " A2" , " A3" , " A4" , " A5"},
{"B1" , " B2" , " B3" , " B4" , " B5"}};
String.Contains does not have the ability to specify a culture or case comparison. Because of this, you will probably want to use ToLowerInvariant.
For example:
string UserInput = Console.ReadLine().ToLowerInvariant();
if (Arr[row, column].ToLowerInvariant().Contains(UserInput))