Let's say I have the following newtype
newtype Foo = Foo Integer deriving (Eq, Show)
Is there a concise way to add two Foo
(Foo 10) + (Foo 5) == Foo 15
or get the max:
max (Foo 10) (Foo 5) == Foo 5
I'm curious if it's possible to easily use functions of a
for a newtype a
rather than do:
addFoo :: Foo -> Foo -> Foo
addFoo (Foo x) (Foo y) = Foo $ x + y
Just as haskell98 knows how to derive those Eq
and Show
instances for you, you can turn on the GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
extension to ghc to get the Num
and Ord
instances you need:
Prelude> :set -XGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
Prelude> newtype Foo = Foo Integer deriving (Eq, Show, Num, Ord)
Prelude> (Foo 10) + (Foo 5) == Foo 15
Prelude> max (Foo 10) (Foo 5) == Foo 5