i have a small problem, when i try to copy one file from my tmp dir to my ftp dir the writen file is empty. I have no error, i don't understand what i'm doing wrong
var ftpPath = "/var/www/ftp/",
zipPath = "/var/www/tmp/",
file = "test";
fs.createReadStream(zipPath + file).pipe(fs.createWriteStream(ftpPath + file));
My test file contain loremipsum sample.
If you have any solution, i take it, this is the only line that bug in my app :(
First, make sure that the file /var/www/tmp/test exists, is a file, and has the right permissions for the user you start the script with.
Second, make sure that /var/www/ftp/ has writing permissions.
Then the following code should work :
var readerStream = fs.createReadStream('/var/www/tmp/test');
var writerStream = fs.createWriteStream('/var/www/ftp/test');
Edit :
try debugging using this snippet :
var data;
var readerStream = fs.createReadStream('/var/www/tmp/test');
readerStream.on('data', function(data) {
data += data;
readerStream.on('end', function() {