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Populating an NSPopUpButtonCell with string values

I am trying to populate a NSPopUpButtonCell with a list of strings. In -(init), I populate an NSArray with the values I want in the PopUp Button. How do I connect this to the NSArrayController I added in IB? Does my app delegate need an IBOutlet NSArrayController to connect to or is there a way to bind it?

Also, when I bind the NSArrayController to the NSPopUpButtonCell, do which Content do I bind it to? Content or Content Values?



  • Bind the array controller's Content Array to your controller's array of strings. Bind both the pop-up button cell's Content and Content Values to your array controller's arrangedObjects.

    Presumably, you also want to know which of these strings is selected. To do that, bind the pop-up button cell's Selected Object (which will be one of the objects in Content) to a property of your controller (the one that owns the original array).