I'm using CakePHP , and I'm getting the following Error ! Which is because
ON (`Trip`.`city_id` = `City`.`id`)
Should be
(`City'.`city_id` = `Trip`.`id`)
How Can i Correct that ?
Error: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'Trip.city_id' in 'on clause'
SELECT `Trip`.`id`, `Trip`.`user_id`, `Trip`.`type_id`, `Trip`.`title`, `Trip`.`city1`, `Trip`.`city2`, `Trip`.`date`, `Trip`.`free_places`, `Trip`.`description`, `Trip`.`contact_email`, `Trip`.`created`, `City`.`city_id`, `City`.`city_name` FROM `mitfahr-ar`.`trips` AS `Trip` LEFT JOIN `mitfahr-ar`.`cities` AS `City` ON (`Trip`.`city_id` = `City`.`id`) WHERE 1 = 1
My Model code is :
class Trip extends AppModel
public $name= 'Trip';
public $belongsTo= array('City');
[....] Which is because
ON (`Trip`.`city_id` = `City`.`id`)
Should be
(`City'.`city_id` = `Trip`.`id`)
No, it shouldn't, the latter one makes absolutely no sense, `City`.`city_id`
would indicate a self-join, and in any case a single city could only be associated with a single other record, which makes no sense normalization wise.
The former expression generated by CakePHP is absolutely correct, in a belongsTo
assocaition, the foreign key is held by the current model.
See http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/models/associations-linking-models-together.html#belongsto
So to fix the problem, add the proper city_id
foreign key to your trips