I have a Node.js Express REST API app that works. Good.
I have a Mocha/Chai/Supertest mock that tests the API app above. Good.
But I have to start the app and then independently run the mock test.
How can I run a single grunt command that starts the API app, let's it get up and going, and then runs the mock test?
Or do I need to run the API app in some kind of test mode (via env var) and have test-only logic somehow invoke the mock test?
I can try some things and get something to work, but what is the good way? (Avoiding overused phrase 'best practice'.)
You can do that with grunt-express-server and grunt-mocha-test, you will juste have to setup your task like below :
grunt.registerTask('test', ['express:test', 'mochaTest']);
This will run your express server with the config you have set for the test environement then run mocha when you run grunt test
Since you are using supertest I suppose you are doing functionnal testing which means that you will be using the same database for developement and testing (if you are not mocking something). That can be time loosing and make your test fail because of bad data. Using two different environement makes sure of the state of your data when you are running the test.
You can still use grunt watch plugins to relaunch your test on file change if you don't want to have to do it manually.
Hope this helps