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Integrating Admob SDK with Mopub on Android

I'm trying to Integrate the Admob SDK into my Android app. This is so Admob will work with Mopub. Mopub's instructions link to Google's integration instructions. I'm confused by Google's instructions since I'm not using Android Studio or Gradle.

What is the Eclipse equivalent to the section starting with "Once Google Play services is installed"? I think this is making the build process aware of a Google Play Services jar file. I don't know enough about Eclipse, the Java Build Path, etc to determine the Eclipse equivalent.



    This link will help you integrate google play services into your eclipse project for the purpose of displaying AdMob ads. But as far as I see in google search, there is no official tutorial related to eclipse integration of AdMob now.(It has been replaced by Android Studio tutorial) I guess they might be focusing more towards asking developers to use Android Studio. So I think, we might have to make transition soon.