I would appreciate your support, I'd like to build a SQL qry to obtain as result an additional comlumn with the minimum value of group of codes based on 2 tables.
For example:I have 2 tables
Table: extract
AppCode | Phase |
AB | Phase 2
ABC | Phase 1
ABC | Phase 2
ABCD | Phase 1
ABCE | Phase 3
ABCE | Phase 2
Table: Phases
PhaseName | Objective
Phase 1 | 2
Phase 2 | 4
Phase 3 | 24
Output expected:
AppCode | PhaseName | Objective | MinObjetivo
AB | Phase 2 | 4 | 4
ABC | Phase 1 | 2 | 2
ABC | Phase 2 | 4 | 2
ABCD | Phase 1 | 2 | 2
ABCE | Phase 3 | 24 | 4
ABCE | Phase 2 | 4 | 4
Please Let me know; if with this example is not enough
SELECT e.appcode, p.phasename, p.objective, m.minobjectivo
FROM extract AS e
JOIN phases AS p ON e.phase = p.phasename
JOIN (SELECT e1.appcode, MIN(p1.objective) as minobjectivo
FROM extract AS e1
JOIN phases AS p1 ON e1.phase = p1.phasename
GROUP BY e1.appcode) AS m
ON e.appcode = m.appcode
This starts out as an ordinary join between extract
and phases
, to get the first 3 columns. Then you write a subquery that gets the minimum objective for each appcode, and join this to get the additional column.
Here's another way to write it:
SELECT e.appcode, p.phasename, p.objective, MIN(p1.objective) AS minobjectivo
FROM extract AS e
JOIN phases AS p ON e.phase = p.phasename
JOIN extract AS e1 ON e1.appcode = e.appcode
JOIN phases AS p1 ON e1.phase = p1.phasename
GROUP BY e.appcode, p.phasename
This is similar, but the additional joins are done in the main query instead of a subquery.