I want to use fancy postfix dereferencing in my Mojo templates. I suppose I could do
% use experimental 'postderef';
at the top of every template file, but that seems repetitive and lame. Is there a way I can make Mojolicious import my pragma preferences to the lexical scope of every template?
You can reload EPRenderer plugin with own options (default is without options), option template
contains default values for Mojo::Template.
use Mojolicious::Lite;
plugin 'EPRenderer', template => { prepend => 'use experimental "postderef";use Data::Dump "pp";'};
get '/' => sub { shift->render('index'); };
@@ index.html.ep
% layout 'default';
% title 'Welcome';
Welcome to the Mojolicious real-time web framework!
% my $a = [[0]];
% push $a->[0]->@*, 1;
%= pp($a)
@@ layouts/default.html.ep
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><title><%= title %></title></head>
<body><%= content %>