I'm new in Smalltalk (VisualAge environment) and I try to make a class that counts number of her instances. Unfortunately something dosen't work when I override the 'new' method. This is my class code:
Object subclass: #TestClassB
instanceVariableNames: 'niceVariable '
classVariableNames: 'InstanceCounter '
poolDictionaries: ''!
!TestClassB class publicMethods !
initWithNiceParameter: parameter
testClassBInstance:= self new.
^(testClassBInstance niceVariable: parameter)!
super new.
InstanceCounter isNil
ifTrue: [InstanceCounter := 0]
ifFalse: [InstanceCounter := InstanceCounter + 1].
! !
!TestClassB publicMethods !
niceVariable: anObject
"Save the value of niceVariable."
niceVariable := anObject.
! !
I'd like to create new object with 'initWithNiceParameter' message:
TestClassB initWithNiceParameter: 'my super string'
But all I get is error:
TestClassB does not understand niceVariable:
It's because 'TestClassB' is also an object and seems it has no 'niceVariable' setter.
Do you have any idea how to create objects, when 'new' method is overrided?
The implementation of your method new
returns self
. The value of self
there is the class TestClassB because new
is a class method and self
in a class method is the class itself.
You should return the object that got created by sending super new
instance := super new.
InstanceCounter isNil
ifTrue: [InstanceCounter := 0]
ifFalse: [InstanceCounter := InstanceCounter + 1].
or shorter:
InstanceCounter isNil
ifTrue: [InstanceCounter := 0]
ifFalse: [InstanceCounter := InstanceCounter + 1].
^super new