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worklight console for app not working after deploying new war

I get this error after deploying a new war through the server configuration tool. I tried to revert back to the original war error persist.

Tomcat 7.0.30 Worklight Server

   javax.servlet.ServletException: Worklight Console initialization failed.Logged Exception:     java.lang.RuntimeException: conf/authenticationConfig.xml contains duplicated realm named: wl_anonymousUserRealm

The xml is built by default my realm is defined in the context.xml for server.

    <!-- Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
         5725-G92 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2006, 2013. All Rights Reserved.
         US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
         disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. -->  

<!-- Uncomment the next element to protect the worklight console and the first section in securityTests below. -->
<!-- <resource id="worklightConsole" securityTest="WorklightConsole">
    <resource id="subscribeServlet" securityTest="SubscribeServlet">
test below , element must be added to application-descriptor.xml as well. -->
    <customSecurityTest name="WorklightConsole">
        <test realm="WorklightConsole" isInternalUserID="true"/>

    <mobileSecurityTest name="mobileTests">
        <testDeviceId provisioningType="none" />
        <testUser realm="myMobileLoginForm" />

    <webSecurityTest name="webTests">
        <testUser realm="myWebLoginForm"/>

    <customSecurityTest name="customTests">
        <test realm="wl_antiXSRFRealm" step="1"/>
        <test realm="wl_authenticityRealm" step="1"/>
        <test realm="wl_remoteDisableRealm" step="1"/>
        <test realm="wl_anonymousUserRealm" isInternalUserID="true" step="1"/>
        <test realm="wl_deviceNoProvisioningRealm" isInternalDeviceID="true" step="2"/>
    <customSecurityTest name="SubscribeServlet">
        <test isInternalUserID="true" realm="SubscribeServlet"/>

    <customSecurityTest name="AgentSecurityTest">
        <test isInternalUserID="true" realm="FbitnAgentRealm"/>


    <!--realm name="ConsumerRealm" loginModule="AnonymousLoginModule" >
        <parameter name="login-function" value="ConsumerPolicy.onAuthRequired"/>
        <parameter name="logout-function" value="ConsumerPolicy.onLogout"/>
    <realm loginModule="StrongDummy" name="SampleAppRealm">

    <realm loginModule="requireLogin" name="WorklightConsole">

    <realm loginModule="rejectAll" name="SubscribeServlet">
    <!-- For websphere -->
    <!-- realm name="WASLTPARealm" loginModule="WASLTPAModule">
        <parameter name="login-page" value="/login.html"/>
        <parameter name="error-page" value="/loginError.html"/>
    </realm -->
    <realm name="FbitnAgentRealm" loginModule="FbitnAgentLogin">

    <loginModule name="FbitnAgentLogin">
    <!--loginModule name="AnonymousLoginModule">

    <!--loginModule name="HeaderLoginModule" canBeResourceLogin="true" isIdentityAssociationKey="true" audit="true"-->

    <loginModule name="StrongDummy">

    <loginModule name="requireLogin">

    <loginModule name="rejectAll">

    <!-- For websphere -->
    <!-- loginModule name="WASLTPAModule">
    </loginModule -->

    <!-- For enabling SSO with no-provisioning device authentication -->
    <!-- <loginModule name="MySSO" ssoDeviceLoginModule="WLDeviceNoProvisioningLoginModule">
    </loginModule> -->
    <!-- For enabling SSO with auto-provisioning device authentication -->
    <!-- <loginModule name="MySSO" ssoDeviceLoginModule="WLDeviceAutoProvisioningLoginModule">
    </loginModule> -->


  • There was two versions on the server. Tomcat/Worklight/app and Tomcat/webapps/app. I'm not sure the the server config tool was used to deploy the first one, but was on the second deploy. I removed the app contents from the Worklight folder and left the original folder under webapps, the server.xml is configured to read both directories, only one is needed.

    I found out this was because of the worklight-jee-library.jar was install under the tomcat/lib and in the tomcat/Worklight/app. I believe the one in the lib was placed there by the installation manager when Worklight 6.1 was installed.